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playmoneyroulette| Blue Sea Huateng: Electric aircraft motor controller project has received the first government funding

News summary

[Blue Sea Huateng: The electric aircraft motor controller project has received the first government funding] Securities Times e Company News, Blue Sea Huateng recently stated in an institutional survey that the electric aircraft motor controller project, as the company's key future development project, will be established.playmoneyrouletteFocus on the relevant teamplaymoneyroulette.playmoneyroulette..

playmoneyroulette| Blue Sea Huateng: Electric aircraft motor controller project has received the first government funding

Newsletter text

[Blue Sea Huateng: The electric aircraft motor controller project has received the first government funding] Securities Times e Company News, Blue Sea Huateng recently stated in an institutional survey that the electric aircraft motor controller project will be a key development project of the company in the future, and the company has established a relevant team. The team is mainly responsible for the research and development of electric aircraft motor controllers and is currently in the technical research stageplaymoneyroulette; The project has been applied to the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission as a major science and technology special project, and has received the first government funding support.

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